For Ages
6 to 9

Babe: The Gallant Pig is a part of the Babe collection.

Dick King-Smith’s classic story of Babe the sheep-herding pig is back with a charming new cover to win over a new generation of readers!
When Babe arrives at Hogget Farm, Mrs. Hogget’s thoughts turn to sizzling bacon and juicy pork chops. But before long, Babe reveals a talent no one could have expected: he can handle Farmer Hogget’s stubborn flock better than any sheepdog ever could! When Farmer Hogget enters Babe in the Grand…

An Excerpt fromBabe: The Gallant Pig

Chapter 1



“Guess my weight”




“What’s that noise?” said Mrs. Hogget, sticking her comfortable round red face out of the kitchen window. “Listen, there ’tis again, did you hear it, what a racket, what a row, anybody’d think someone was being murdered, oh dearie me, whatever is it, just listen to it, will you?”


Farmer Hogget listened. From the usually quiet valley below the farm came a medley of sounds: the oompah oompah of a brass band, the shouts of children, the rattle and thump of a skittle alley, and every now and then a very high, very loud, very angry-sounding squealing lasting about ten seconds.


Farmer Hogget pulled out an old pocket watch as big around as a saucer and looked at it. “Fair starts at two,” he said. “It’s started.”


“I knows that,” said Mrs. Hogget, “because I’m late now with all these cakes and jams and pickles and preserves as is meant to be on the Produce Stall this very minute, and who’s going to take them there, I’d like to know, why you are, but afore…

Under the Cover