Be Healthy! It's a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great
Mavis Jukes is here to help girls learn how to be healthy so they can stay healthy. In this newly updated edition, Jukes and co-author Lilian Cheung, D.Sc., R.D. target what girls need to know in order to achieve an active lifestyle and how to avoid the pitfalls of body image issues. Readers will find basic nutritional information; ideas for safe exercising; tips on how to eat right no matter where they are; and lots of other kid-specific information on food, fitness and feeling great.
An Excerpt fromBe Healthy! It's a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great
Going through puberty means you're going through a series of dazzling physical, intellectual, and emotional changes called the growth spurt.
But it's really not a spurt. It actually takes a few years.
If you're going through puberty, you're in the process of gaining half of your adult bone mass and weight, the last inches of your height, and the ability to reproduce.
At the same time, you're beginning to think more critically. You're acquiring the intellectual and emotional ability to make decisions, including healthy food and lifestyle choices.
In order to support this rapid growth, you have very specific needs for food and physical activity.
Be Healthy! It's a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great will help you understand the basic information you need to stay healthy and fit.
And feel great.
Be Healthy! It's a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great gives you the lowdown on how your body uses food; ideas for boosting the nutritional value of what you love to eat, choosing from a fast-food menu, and shopping for food; information on how to link food and physical activity with fun and friendship; and advice on how to think positively and keep your spirits up, how to initiate change by advocating for yourself and friends, and how, when, and where to ask for help when you need it.
Involve your friends, family, teachers, and health care professionals (physician, pediatrician, nurse, registered dietitian) in evaluating the information in these pages and putting it to work for you in the context of your own cultural traditions, family structure, school environment, economic circumstances, and community.
Be Healthy! It's a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great will help you
• Have more energy
• Improve your ability in sports, exercise, and active games
• Focus and concentrate better in school
• Reduce stress and worries
• Boost your spirits
• Look your best
• Appreciate yourself for who you are
• Counter the negative influence of the media (like TV and magazines and websites) on your food choices and your self-image
• Work toward getting more nutritious food and more choices for safe, fun physical activity in your school
• Up your chances of being healthy as an adult
• Establish and maintain a beautiful, powerful presence as you move through the world
• Care for our planet by making choices that are good for the environment