For Ages
8 to 12

A guide to tackling the climate crisis from a prominent activist working on the front lines! Mikaela Loach's approach is one of HOPE and big-hearted optimism, inspiring kids and making them feel truly empowered to change the world.

Kids hear about the climate crisis pretty much every day. From their parents, from their teachers, on social media, and in the news, there is no escaping it. Against a broader backdrop of social inequity and unfairness, it's…

An Excerpt fromClimate Is Just the Start

This is a book about our climate.  

But maybe you guessed from the title that it’s about some other things too.  

This is also a book about how our climate—our climate crisis—hurts some people far more than other people, and how unfair that is.  

This is also a book about hope!  

About how we can actually fix things. About how the solutions are in plain sight, right in front of us.  

We can—quite literally—change the world. But before we can change the world, we have to feel the world.  

And you’re in luck. Chances are if you’re reading this book you are young. And when you are young, you are more likely to still have one very important gift—your big feelings. You’re going to need those.  

That’s because you can’t change the world without your feelings.  

Have you ever looked at a situation you thought was unfair and said to yourself, “That just doesn’t make sense!”  

It could be something close to home, like in your family or your school.  

Or it could be something…

Under the Cover