For Ages
12 to 99

Fame and friendship can get complicated, especially when there are more than platonic feelings at play in this rom com perfect for fans of Netflix's XO, Kitty!

Seventeen-year-old Lulu Li has her last summer before college all planned out. But her plans go awry when she learns that Kite Xu, her old next-door neighbor and childhood friend, will be returning home from South Korea.
Lulu hasn’t seen Kite since eighth grade, after he left the country…

An Excerpt fromFireworks

Oh. My. Sweet. Tea. Someone ring the proverbial gong. Karnival might host their first world tour this summer! Everyone’s talking about it on the fancafé (big thanks to JennyKPops for translating), but there hasn’t been an official announcement. Does anyone know if this is legit? DM me if you have insider knowledge. In the meantime, I’m refreshing the fancafé every three seconds and selling my kidney so I can afford a ticket.

#karnival #fireworks #kiteismybias #xiaomingislove #karnivalstan #someonepinchme #suddenlyanorgandonor #willkillfortickets


There’s nothing more satisfying than stretching your arms out after a three-­hour exam, confident you nailed the last question.

I roll my shoulders and look around at my classmates as they crack their knuckles and massage the kinks out of their hands, each and every one of us eager to abandon the little folding desk chairs we’ve been confined to all morning. Our proctor organizes our exam booklets into one neat pile on his desk before glancing at his watch.

“You’re dismissed,” he says without making eye contact.

All at once, every occupied chair in the room screeches back against…

Under the Cover