For Ages
14 to 99

Be swept away by a lush, witchy tale about forbidden magic and missing girls who don't need handsome princes to rescue them. Perfect for fans of The Hazel Wood.

Maude is the daughter of witches. She spent her childhood running wild with her best friend, Odette, weaving stories of girls who slayed dragons and saved princes. Then Maude grew up and lost her magic—and her best friend. 

These days, magic is toothless, reduced to  glamour patches and psychic…

An Excerpt fromA Hunger of Thorns


Nan is very particular about tea.

She orders a personalized blend from an under-­the-­counter botanica on the wrong side of town, and it gets shipped to her in bulk, a large wooden crate filled with vacuum-­sealed packages. Nan decants them one by one into a floral tin with creaking hinges.

Halmoni bought her an electric kettle years ago, but Nan refuses to use it. She fills an ancient cast-­iron kettle with rainwater from the tank outside the back door and lights the gas burner with a match.

Nan doesn’t ask if I want tea. The kettle is already on, with curls of steam and faint whistles escaping from the spout. I have made the journey downstairs from my bedroom, now there will be tea. Tea is nonnegotiable.

I push aside five cross-­stitched cushions, Nan’s knitting basket, and two cats to make a space on the couch, and sit down. Princess Bari stalks away, offended, her tail twitching, but Gwion Bach clambers into my lap and starts kneading my thighs. His claws sink through the…

Under the Cover