For Ages
12 to 99

The Heart of the World is a part of the The Isles of the Gods collection.

Magic and sacrifice will collide as lovers and gods, enemies and allies vie for the fate of the world in this heart-pounding sequel to THE ISLES OF THE GODS, which Stephanie Garber called "deliciously diabolical and full of heart."

When Selly and Leander began their treacherous voyage to the Isles of the Gods, the captain’s daughter and the playboy prince  were strangers. But amid talk of war and a deadly attack on their ship, the unthinkable…

An Excerpt fromThe Heart of the World


The Docks

Kirkpool, Alinor

Everything in Kirkpool that can float, from a battleship to a bathtub, is coming to greet us. Steamships and schooners, merchants and fishing boats, they’re all jostling for space in crowded harbor waters made choppy by their maneuvering.

The decks are thick with bodies, and everyone’s cheering, flying sapphire-­blue Alinorish flags, waving as the Emma makes her way in toward the golden city on the hill.

Leander stands silently at my side, gazing out across the harbor with a calm I’m desperate to break. There’s no easy laugh, no wink to put me at ease, no joke about how this kind of welcoming committee is just another day in his charmed life, full of all the usual admirers. When I scan his eyes, I can read nothing in them.

Before he became a vessel for the power of his goddess, his gaze was the warm brown mahogany of a ship’s timbers. Now it’s the same emerald green as our magician’s marks.

I know he’s in there, though. I know.

I grip the wheel tighter and exchange a glance…

Under the Cover