For Ages
12 to 99

The Isles of the Gods is a part of the The Isles of the Gods collection.

Magic, romance, and slumbering gods clash in this riveting fantasy duology that spans gangsters' dens, forgotten temples, and the high seas from the New York Times bestselling author of the Aurora Cycle and the Illuminae Files.

Selly has salt water in her veins. So when her father leaves her high and dry in the port of Kirkpool, she has no intention of riding out the winter at home while he sails off to adventure. But any…

An Excerpt fromThe Isles of the Gods

Part One

Glitter and Grit


Royal Hill

Kirkpool, Alinor

The woman selling magicians’ supplies is wandering around her little market stall like she’s lost her map. It’s as if every item she encounters, from the stacks of fat green candles to the bins of bright glass beads and stones, is somehow a new discovery.

“You said half a dozen candles?” She pauses to look over her shoulder and needlessly tighten her apron strings. She’s dragging things out in the hope something extra will catch my eye, but although the grim, anxious buzz of the city has sunk into my bones, I am not going to lose my temper. I don’t have time.

“Yes, please.” I try to make my gritted teeth look like a smile, though I can tell from the woman’s expression it doesn’t work. But honestly, at this rate I should ask her name and how she likes her tea, because the two of us are going to grow old together.

If anything, she seems to slow down even more, lifting a newspaper and studying the crate beneath it. “Best…

Under the Cover