For Ages
8 to 12

A ten-day suspension has tweens De'Kari and Ebony seeing the world with a fresh perspective. Don't miss this poignant novel in verse from the award-winning author of Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero.

Two kids. One fight. No one thinks they’re wrong.


I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


It was all just an accident!

Nobody was…

An Excerpt fromEb & Flow

The Day Of


I don’t hit girls.

I don’t even hit girls . . . is what I’m thinking

but I musta said it out loud because Mr. Warren,

our bald-­headed principal, raises his eyebrows and says,

“You sure about that? Our cameras

show us something very different, De’Kari.”

“It’s Flow,” I say. I always say it.

“Your name is De’Kari Flood, and that’s

what I’m calling you,” says Mr. Warren.

Just like everyone else.

I roll my eyes, turn them to my shoes.

New shoes.

Shoes I’ma wear every day till they fall off my feet.


“He called me the b-­word.

And it was all just an accident!

Nobody was trying to mess up

his Stupid Ugly Shoes.”

My arms are crossed, and I’m giving Mr. Warren

the same look I seen Ma give my sister, Poke,

when Poke comes at her wrong.

Ma learned The Look from my granny,

who be givin’ it to all of us when we’re wrong.

I’m not tryna be no poet, but

Poke ain’t no Joke.

So she gets The Look a lot.

Guess I do, too.

Few more minutes of this with Mr. Warren,

and then my granny will be on the phone

listening to him tell her

allllllll about



got to fighting


“So you stepped…

Under the Cover