For Ages
8 to 12

Honest June is a part of the Honest June collection.

Who wouldn't want a fairy godmother? But when June's puts her under a spell where she cannot tell a lie, the truth is middle school just got a lot harder.

The truth hurts. Sixth-grader June Jackson learned that lesson early. (She told her BFF one time she didn’t like her shoes. They fought for a week!) Which is why now June tells people what they what to hear. Who cares about a small fib if it…

An Excerpt fromHonest June

Chapter One
I don’t know everything about life yet, but I know at least one thing is true—­life’s easier when you make people happy.
You want to get good grades? Tell teachers what they want to hear. Want your friends to like you? Tell them you love their clothes and their hair and their moms’ cooking. Want your parents to be happy? Do what they say. Follow their rules. Happy parents equals extra dessert and cool toys and fun vacations. And, most importantly, love.
Making people happy is what I’m good at. Sometimes that means not telling people the whole truth. Or telling them no truth at all. Not because I’m trying to be mischievous! In fact, I don’t like to make trouble—­but it always finds me somehow. Like the time I tried to compliment my best friend Nia on a pair of shoes she was wearing. I said they made her feet look “too long.” She was mad at me for a week. I vowed to say only nice things about her feet no matter what.
Or the…

Under the Cover