For Ages
12 to 99

The Dragon's Promise is a part of the Six Crimson Cranes collection.

In this sequel to New York Times bestselling, Six Crimson Cranes Shiori must journey to the kingdom of dragons, return a cursed pearl with the power to destroy the world, and fight to hold on to all that is dear to her. Fans of Shadow and Bone will devour this soaring fantasy from the acclaimed author of Spin the Dawn.

Princess Shiori made a deathbed promise to return the dragon's pearl to its rightful owner, but keeping…

An Excerpt fromThe Dragon's Promise


The bottom of the Taijin Sea tasted of salt, slime, and disappointment. But for a few faint beams of mysterious light, it was darker than the deepest chasm. Hardly the magnificent watery realm dragons were said to call home.

I sat up on Seryu’s back as he slowed, his long whiskers vibrating toward one beam in particular. Maybe I’d imagined it, but the beam shone brighter than the rest--almost violet.

“You ready?” Seryu asked.

Ready for what? I thought, but I nodded.

With a flip of his tail, he dove through the violet beam--and everything changed.

The water turned azure, and puffs of coppery mist hissed from beds of sand and crystal. And light! There was light everywhere, radiating from an unseen sun.

My heart began to race with anticipation, and I clung to Seryu’s horns as he accelerated down, swimming so fast that I almost let go of my breath.

We’re almost there, Kiki, I thought excitedly in our shared, unspoken language, but she didn’t respond. A peek into my sleeve…

Under the Cover