For Ages
8 to 12

Diana and the Underworld Odyssey is a part of the Wonder Woman Adventures collection.

The world's #1 female Super Hero, Wonder Woman, is back in another breathtaking adventure! This time, Diana will travel to the Underworld to take on Hades--but will she make it out alive?

After Diana thwarts a stunning attempt to defeat the Amazons and Themyscira for good, she has finally been granted permission to start training as a warrior! Except, the goddess Artemis brings news that children all over are disappearing without a trace. Diana is the only one who can be trusted to save them--even if she must confront Hades, Persephone, and all of the undead souls and mythical creatures of the Underworld. That is, until she discovers that a far more sinister villain is out to capture her--and will do whatever it takes to find her. With her warrior training barely underway, will young Wonder Woman be able to rely on her strength from within to save the missing children and defeat Hades? Or will she instead be dragged to the Underworld--forever?

An Excerpt fromDiana and the Underworld Odyssey

Chapter One
The sun shone brightly upon the beaches of Themyscira, the golden glow shimmering as though Zeus himself had struck the island with a lightning bolt. Diana stood to the side of the dock, arms crossed, watching women from the Scholar community trudge up the plank toward their ship, lugging bronze, copper, and silver trunks behind them. Just across from Diana stood the sea captain, who unfurled her map and scrutinized the coordinates that would lead them—­and Diana’s best friend, Sakina—­back to their home.
Diana swallowed. Just one week earlier, this very ship had unspooled its anchor into the sea alongside other vessels belonging to women from communities around the world: expert strategists, welders, artists, educators, even fellow warriors from distant lands. They’d descended from abroad to celebrate their cultures and share knowledge with one another at the annual Chará festival. During the day, they’d taught and attended classes ranging from pottery to painting to combat. Each evening, they’d laughed and chatted over lavish feasts, goblets of wine, and the steady hum of music and dancing.

Under the Cover