For Ages
9 to 12

This heart-pounding mystery-adventure follows three kids who get lost in the woods at night and experience something they cannot quite explain.

Secrets, spies, or maybe even a monster . . . what lies in the heart of the woods? Charlie Noon and Dizzy Heron are determined to find out. When their nemesis, Johnny Baines, plays a prank on them and night falls without warning, all three end up lost in the woods, trapped in a nightmare. Unforeseen dangers and impossible puzzles lurk in the shadows. Like it or not, Charlie and Dizzy must work with Johnny if they are to find a way out. But time can be tricky. . . . What if the night never ends?

An Excerpt fromThe Longest Night of Charlie Noon


Johnny Baines says there’s a monster in here. Dizzy thinks it might be a spy. But as I scramble up the grassy bank of bluebells at the edge of the woods, it’s hard to believe there could be anything bad here at all. 

Sunlight filters through the trees, bathing the grassy path ahead in shifting patterns of brightness. The faint breeze whispering through the leaves makes their shadows flicker like ripples on an imaginary river that’s following the path through the woods. 

Dizzy’s already striding along, his hiccupping walk making it look like he’s forever on the verge of falling over. 

“It’s this way, Charlie,” he says, glancing back to beckon me on. “That’s where I saw the first one.” 

I nod, but I’m in no real hurry to catch up with Dizzy yet. This is the first time I’ve been into the woods, and for a moment, I stand absolutely still, slowly filling my senses with this place. 

From the back of our school the woods look close enough to touch, a solid bank of forest green that fills…

Under the Cover