For Ages
8 to 12

Trailblazers: Harriet Tubman is a part of the Trailblazers collection.

Bring history home with you and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.

Fans of the movie Harriet can find out more in this biography! In 1849, Harriet Tubman crossed a very important line--the Mason-Dixon Line. She had escaped slavery! Despite grave risks, she went on to become the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping hundreds of enslaved people reach freedom. From an early age, Harriet always had deep faith and a strong sense of justice. Find out how she became one of history's greatest trailblazers!

Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?

An Excerpt fromTrailblazers: Harriet Tubman

On one moonless night in 1849, a runaway slave ran swiftly toward the Choptank River. Up above, the North Star shone brightly in the sky, guiding her on. She moved quickly and carefully through the trees, keeping close to the shadows. The runaway was on constant alert, wary of any sudden movements or sounds. She occasionally touched a nearby tree trunk, her fingers brushing the moss to check her direction—her father had taught her that moss mainly grew on the north side of the trees.
Owls hooted, bats flicked back and forth, crickets clicked their wings, and fireflies zigzagged across the path, as if this were any other night in the Maryland woodland. But it wasn’t any other night. This was the night Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery for good!  Though she didn't know it yet, this would be the first of many dangerous trips to freedom.
A Terrible Trade
Harriet was not the first enslaved person to run away, nor would she be the last. Europeans had been kidnapping, buying,…

Under the Cover