Finding Tinker Bell #5: To the Forgotten Castle (Disney: The Never Girls)

Author Kiki Thorpe Illustrated by Jana Christy

For Ages
6 to 9

Finding Tinker Bell #5: To the Forgotten Castle (Disney: The Never Girls) is a part of the Never Girls A Stepping Stone Book Fiction collections.

The New York Times bestselling Disney Never Girls series continues with a new adventure in which the Never Girls embark on a quest to find Tinker Bell!

When Tinker Bell sets out on a trip beyond Never Land and disappears, it's up to the Disney Never Girls--Kate, Mia, Lainey, and Gabby--to find their missing fairy friend. In the fifth book in the Finding Tinker Bell early chapter book series, the Never Girls' quest for Tink leads them to an enchanted castle where things aren't quite what they seem. Will the castle help the Never Girls, Silvermist, Fawn, Rosetta, and Iridessa unlock the secrets of Shadow Island and track down Tink before she is lost forever? This book is perfect for children ages 6 to 9 who love adventure, fantasy--and fairies!

Kate craves adventure and excitement.
Mia loves dresses, roses, and anything beautiful.
Lainey dreams of talking to animals.
Gabby believes in fairies more than anyone.

Together, they are the Never Girls--four real girls in a fairy's world!

An Excerpt fromFinding Tinker Bell #5: To the Forgotten Castle (Disney: The Never Girls)

“There’s Tinker Bell! I see her!” With a shout of excitement, Gabby Vasquez plunged into the shallow river. She splashed through knee-deep water toward the reeds on the other side.
Gabby’s older sister, Mia Vasquez, and their friends Kate McCrady and Lainey Winters waited on the bank with four fairies. They all watched as Gabby parted the reeds.
A startled duck flapped into the air.
“Never mind!” Gabby turned to wade back. “It was just a duck.”
Kate arched an eyebrow. “No kidding.”
“It sure looked like Tinker Bell, though,” Gabby added as she climbed, dripping, onto the bank.
They were searching for the fairy Tinker Bell. Their journey had taken them from Never Land to the strange Shadow Island. After days of looking, the fairy Fawn had finally spotted Tink’s boat by a waterfall. But the boat was gone before they could catch up with it. Now they were following the river downstream, hoping it would lead them to her.
Gabby had her own reason for wanting to…