For Ages
12 to 99

Perfect for anyone playing the Six soundtrack on repeat who wants to discover more about the six wives of Henry VIII! This is an edge-of-your-seat reimagining of the romance and tragedy that defined them, told from multiple points of view by award-winning and bestselling authors.

If you were one of King Henry VIII's six wives, who would you be? Would you be Anne Boleyn, who literally lost her head? The subject of rumor and scandal…

An Excerpt fromFatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII Tell All

24 July 1527




The world is still dark beyond my window, but I can make out the tall figure of my husband, King Henry VIII of England, in the stable yard below. Beside him stands his lover, the torchlight glowing on her smooth, young skin. They are readying to ride out. Just the two of them. Together.


I watch as he helps her up into her saddle, lifts her easily, holds her. For a moment, he cradles her little leather boot in his hand, caressing it tenderly, before making sure it is safe in the stirrup. My breath snags.


She laughs playfully, flirting, her eyes never leaving his as she places a hand on his upturned face.


I sink into a chair. “Madre de Dios, ayudadame,” I whisper. Mother of God, help me.


My lady Maud Parr comes into the room. She looks startled to see me. “Your Grace, what are you doing up so early?” she asks.


“Sleep is impossible.” I pick up my sewing, a shirt I am embroidering for Henry.


Maud sits across from me. “I must tell you…

Under the Cover