For Ages
8 to 12

What happens when the wind stops?
The air grows hot and still and hard to breathe.
Hospitals fill with patients.
The world begins to panic.
What happens when the wind stops?
For Hurricane, this global disaster strikes at his core; but he must recover the magical horn that will fix everything.
Can magic be real? And how can it finding the horn rest on Hurricane's twelve-year-old shoulders?

This classic epic fantasy from beloved author Bruce Coville will enthrall readers while it…

An Excerpt fromThe Thief of Worlds


My Strange Birth

The wind had stopped. Just stopped, as if someone had killed it. 

Which meant that I was miserable.

Yeah, I know. Everyone in Chicago was miserable. And not only Chicago. The wind had stopped all across the world! For the first couple of days scientists had thought it was some weird coincidence. Now they were starting to freak out. 

I was already freaking out. For me, losing the wind was like losing a best friend.

See, I’ve always had a thing for the wind. The people around me knew it. Back when Mom and Gran and I lived in Mississippi, the neighbors called me Breezeboy and laughed about how I danced with the wind. What they didn’t know was that the wind was talking to me. Okay, I could never really understand it. But I always felt it was simply a matter of time before somehow, some way, I would be able to.

Mom has a dish towel printed with the blessing may the wind be always at your back, and for me that has almost always been…

Under the Cover