The Nora Notebooks, Book 2: The Trouble with Babies

Author Claudia Mills Illustrated by Katie Kath

For Ages
7 to 10

The Nora Notebooks, Book 2: The Trouble with Babies is a part of the Nora Notebooks collection.

"The thought-provoking reflections on personality and growth add insight and discussability."--The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 

Fourth grade scientists are not meant to be babysitters. The second book in the Nora Notebooks finds Nora Alpers in unfamiliar territory.
Nora Alpers has just become a ten-year-old aunt. To prepare for the new arrival, Nora has been writing down baby-related facts in her special notebook, just like she does with her favorite subject: ants. She…

An Excerpt fromThe Nora Notebooks, Book 2: The Trouble with Babies




Nora Alpers didn’t believe in luck. She believed in the laws of science, which left no room for luck, good or bad. But right now, on this Wednesday morning in March, she felt as if either luck or the laws of science had turned against her. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be stuck with Emma Averill as her science-lab partner.


“What if we get electrocuted?” Emma wailed as Nora prepared to connect one end of a copper wire to the positive terminal of their dry-cell battery.


“We won’t,” Nora said, trying to keep her voice even.


“We could,” Emma shot back. “This is exactly how people get electrocuted--by doing dangerous things with electricity.”


“This isn’t dangerous!” So much for keeping an even tone. “No one in the history of the world has ever been electrocuted by a ten-volt battery.”


“Well, I don’t want to be the first!”


Nora sighed. She didn’t mind doing the experiment all by herself; in fact, she preferred it. And Emma was a nice enough person, one of the friendliest girls in their fourth-grade class. But Nora was tired…