For Ages
12 to 99

   Fans of Veronica Mars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will love Daisy Goodnight--she can speak to the dead. It’s not the result of a head injury or some near-death experience. She was just born that way. And she’s really good at it. Good enough to help the police solve the occasional homicide.
  But helping the local authorities clear cold cases is one thing. Being whisked out of chemistry class by the FBI and flown…

An Excerpt fromSpirit and Dust

The local cops kept staring at me. I couldn't decide if it was the plaid miniskirt in subarctic temperatures, or the fact that they'd never seen anyone talk to the dead before.
At the moment, I was mostly shivering, but that had more to do with the gray Minnesota afternoon than residual psychic energy, though there was that, too.
"What do you see?" asked Agent Taylor, my FBI handler and the reason--other than the dead man--that I was there.
I had to swallow before I could speak. I like to pretend I'm all Daisy Goodnight, kick-ass teen psychic, when really most of the time I'm all Please don't let me puke in front of the FBI.
The medical examiner had carted off the body of the man I was supposed to read, and a daylong drizzle had washed away any physical traces from the sidewalk. But an afterimage--one that only I could See--remained where he'd fallen, the vivid imprint of his violent death stamped into the intangible fabric of reality.
It wasn't a pretty sight. I mean, the guy hadn't…