For Ages
9 to 12

Mason Dixon: Fourth-Grade Disasters is a part of the Mason Dixon collection.

Here's the second entry in Claudia Mills's charming middle-grade series, that finds the lovably sardonic title character starting the fourth grade, which he's dreading because everyone in fourth grade is expected to join the school choir. And sing. In front of everyone. Mason can't think of many things he enjoys less than singing--but performing in front of other people might come close. Mason devises a foolproof plan that will keep him out of the spotlight on concert night. Of course, in the world of Mason Dixon, there is no such thing as a foolproof plan. There is only disaster.

An Excerpt fromMason Dixon: Fourth-Grade Disasters

"Fourth grade!" said Mason Dixon's mother as she sat on the family-room floor surrounded by bags of school supplies. "Tomorrow is the first day of fourth grade!"
Lying on the floor next to her, Mason tried not to scowl. He must not have succeeded, because she said, "Stop frowning! Fourth grade is wonderful. It will be your best year yet!"
That wasn't saying much. Third grade had meant sitting next to Dunk Davis instead of sitting next to Brody Baxter. Second grade had been Mrs. Prindle, who didn't like boys. First grade had been a broken arm, when Mason fell off the climbing bars. And kindergarten--well, the less said about Mason's biggest kindergarten disaster, the better.
Beside him on the floor, Mason's dog, Dog, snored peacefully. Dog obviously wasn't impressed by the thought of fourth grade. Mason felt a surge of love for Dog, a three-legged golden retriever who had come to live with him two months ago.
"Go sharpen your pencils," Mason's mom said. "I'll put your name on your notebooks. I just love brand-new school supplies, don't…

Under the Cover