For Ages
12 to 99

Ellie’s starting ninth grade and she’s got some very definite goals. She’ll stay best friends with Magda and Nadine. She’ll go on a diet and stick to it. She’ll get a glamorous hairstyle. And she’ll get a boyfriend. Even if she has to settle for one who likes her more than she likes him. Any guy will do, right?

An Excerpt fromGirls in Love

One Girl

The first day back at school. I'm walking because I missed the bus. Not a good start. Year Nine. I wonder what it'll be like.

Number nine, number nine, number nine . . .

It's on that classic Beatles White Album, the crazy mixed-up bit at the end. I've always felt close to John Lennon even though he died before I was born. I like him because he did all those crazy little drawings and he wore granny glasses and he was funny and he always just did his own thing. I do crazy little drawings and I wear granny glasses and my friends think I'm funny. I don't get the opportunity to do my own thing, though.

It's half past eight. If I was doing my own thing right now I'd be back in bed, curled up, fast asleep. John Lennon had lie-ins, didn't he, when he and Yoko stayed in bed all day. They even gave interviews to journalists in bed. Cool.

So, if I could do my own thing I'd sleep till midday. Then breakfast.