For Ages
8 to 12

MANDY WHITE IS a good girl whom the bad girls like to pick on—until a bigger, badder girl makes her her special friend. Tanya is a foster child across the street, and she’s nothing like good little Mandy. She’s fun and she’s tough and she wears really cool clothes. Of course, Mandy’s overprotective mother wants her precious little daughter to have nothing to do with the new neighbor. . . .

An Excerpt fromBad Girls

They were going to get me.

I saw them the moment I turned the comer. They were halfway down the street, waiting near the bus stop. Melanie, Sarah and Kim. Kim, the worst one of all.

I didn't know what to do. I took a step forward, my sandal sticking to the sidewalk.

They were nudging each other. They'd spotted me.

I couldn't see that far, even with my glasses, but I knew Kim would have that great big smile on her face.

I stood still. I looked over my shoulder. Perhaps I could run back to school? I'd hung around for ages already. Maybe they'd locked the playground gates? But perhaps one of the teachers would still be there? I could pretend I had a stomachache or something and then maybe I'd get a ride in their car?

"Look at Mandy! She's going to go running back to school. Baby!" Kim yelled.

She seemed to have her own magic glasses that let her see right inside my head. She didn't wear ordinary glasses, of course. Girls like Kim never wear glasses…

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