For Ages
8 to 12

Animal Rescue Team: Special Delivery! is a part of the Animal Rescue Team collection.

Keisha and her family are just sitting down to Saturday-morning breakfast when the phone rings. Uh-oh! There seems to be a skunk at the community garden, and it's dug a hole under the shed. At the same time, Mr. Sanders can't deliver the mail to a certain house: crows keep dive-bombing him when he gets near the mailbox. Time for the Animal Rescue Team to spring into action! This time they've got two mysteries to…

An Excerpt fromAnimal Rescue Team: Special Delivery!

At ten, Keisha Carter, the oldest Carter child, knew about a lot of things. But she did not know what ricotta was, and she did not want to ask. In the container on the counter, it had looked suspiciously like cottage cheese. In Keisha’s experience, cottage cheese was lumpy and yucky. It was very hard to sit at the intake desk and feel hungry for the pancakes Grandma Alice was making, which Keisha could now hear sizzling in the pan, and imagine cottage cheese inside them.

Normally, Grandma staffed the intake desk at Carters’ Urban Rescue in the mornings, but she was better at pancakes than Keisha, and Mama and Daddy were trying to get an enclosure ready for a pair of injured ducklings that had been found by a fisherman at the Grand River boat launch.

Keisha was almost glad when the phone rang because then she didn’t have to think about her breakfast being ruined by cottage cheese’s evil twin--ricotta.

“Carters’ Urban Rescue,” Keisha said in her grown-up voice (the very same voice…

Under the Cover