For Ages
12 to 99

The Sorceress is a part of the The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel collection.

Nicholas Flamel appeared in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter—but did you know he really lived? And his secrets aren't safe! Discover the truth in book three of the New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.

The Problem: Perenelle Flamel is trapped.

What’s Worse: Sophie and Josh might soon be as well.

   Paris was destroyed by John Dee and Niccolo Machiavelli, but the missing pages of the Book of Abraham…

An Excerpt fromThe Sorceress

“I think I see them.”

The young man in the green parka standing directly beneath the huge circular clock in St. Pancras station took the phone away from his ear and checked a blurred image on the screen. The English Magician had sent the image: the picture was grainy, the colors washed and faded, and it looked liked it had been taken from an overhead security camera. It showed an older man with short gray hair, accompanied by two blond-haired teens, climbing onto a train.

Rising up on his toes, the young man swiveled his head, looking for the trio he’d glimpsed. For a moment, he thought he’d lost them in the milling crowd, but even if he had, they wouldn’t get far: one of his sisters was downstairs; another was in the street outside, watching the entrance.

Now, where had the old man and the teenagers gone?

Narrow, pinched nostrils opened wide as the young man sorted through the countless scents in the station. He identified and dismissed the mixed stink of too many humani, the myriad perfumes…

Under the Cover